Happy St.Lucia day

Lucia - EWian
A little St.Lucia parade.

Happy St.Lucia day! I love the Lucia celebrating,…

Star gazing

Star gazing - EWian

This couple is out on a winter day, looking at the stars.

No Christmas postcards

No postcards - EWian
My workspace

I have this large green book that help me organize Christmas. I write who gets postcards,…

Advent calendar

Advent calendar00 - EWian

Look at our wonderful advent calendar! The Norwegian tradition is to have an advent calender…

Sick child

Sick child1 - ewian
One of the biggest fears you have as a parent is when your child becomes sick or ill. I know that my child…

IF - strong

IF- strong - EWian

The Illustration Friday word this week was strong. I am very lucky to have a mother that loved poetry.…

EDM#15 branch

EDM#15 branch - ewian

The EDM challenge #15 said "draw a tree or trees, leaves or branches". So I draw the view from…

EDM#14 draw what you see in the morning

EDM#14 in the morning - ewian
The EDM challenge #14 said "draw what you see in the morning when you get up". I am always…

33, an important age for hobbits

"33, an important age for hobbits, this is when they become of age and leave the irresponsible "tweens," the age between childhood and coming of age." Well the day for the give away is here and the reason for this date is my 33 birth day. The quote is from the book Lord of the rings, and is the only quote I know for the…

EDM#13 draw your telephone

EDM#13 draw your telephone ewian
The illustration is for the Everyday Matters Drawing Challenge no.13 was draw your…