IF - time

Little green art journal

My little green art journal is complete, and I made a video showing the entry's.

EDM # 8 - jewellery

The EDM challenge number 8 was "Draw your watch or other piece of jewellery" I stopped using watches (that thing telling you that you are going to be late on your wrist)…

Lovely Blog Award


Look what I got! (Late)Last year I got the Lovely Blog Award from Stacey at the http://artsnark.blogspot.com

Art journal - ticket


My Nana, grandmother, died Monday. I will miss her tremendously. We had a close friendship. In addition to being my grandmother she was a close friend, we…

IF - clandestine


I have only encountered the world clandestine, in relationship to illegal labs. (English is not my native tong.) As I am taking chemical science…

Art journal - ice skating


Ice skating, it has been many yeas since I last ice skated. I think about 15 years... Not that I…

Dream journal

Finding the dream journal is not easy. I love to test art and craft supplies and I do it fervently. My opinion is that if you don't play around with your supplies you do not know what they can do for you. This time it was art journals. 14 of them! I chose to make a picture rather than just test the different mediums. There is still a bit of plan behind the pictures. The large blocks of colours was…

Testing art journals

IF - balloon