Friday Night Art 12.03.2010

Friday Night Art 2 - EWian

This is what I am working on Friday 12 of Mars, 2010.

February postcard from Kentin

February postcard from Kentin

The seventh card got a snowy welcome. My mailbox was full of snow. So these exotic animals got…

February postcard from Yolanda

February postcard from Yolanda
The sixth card comes from Yolanda. It has a bit of texture to it, and it has mixed media…

I have moose /elk in my garden

moos - elk in my garden

I have moose /elk in my garden right out side my studio window...

There are 3 of them.…

Movie Monday#11 Red riding hood

February postcard from B.Pugliese

February postcard from B.Pugliese

The fifth card cones from U.S.A and the card is sign by B.Pugliese. There was…

February postcard from Charlotta

February postcard from Charlotta

Charlottas card was posted in Australia. The quote on the card says "look who's…

February postcard swap, card from Carlin

February postcard from Carlin

The third card comes from Carlin. The card was posted in the U.S.A. I love this knitted…

Movie Monday#10 Toward the bare hill

Friday Night Art 26.02.2010

Friday Night Art 1 - EWian

This is what I am working on Friday 26 of February, 2010.

Playing around with some home made stamps.…