48/365:2013 ATC Pierette

48-365 ATC 2013 Pierette

In my childhood my mother sang about Pierrot, he would like to marry Pierette, but used so long time to find the…

47/365:2013 ATC chrysanthemums

47-365 ATC 2013 chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemums, are often called mums. The flowers are perennial flowering plants of the genus Chrysanthemum…

46/365:2013 ATC shh baby is sleeping

46-365 ATC 2013 shh baby is sleeping

Parents have been tiptoeing around their sleeping infants since time began. Whispering:…

45/365:2013 ATC happy Valentine's Day

45-365 ATC 2013 happy Valentine's Day
According to Legend from the 5th or 6th century, Saint Valentine was persecuted as a Christian…

44/365:2013 ATC yearning

44-365 ATC 2013 yearning
yearn·ing, [yur-ning]
1. deep longing, especially when accompanied by tenderness or sadness: a young lady…

43/365:2013 ATC ribbon heart

43-365 ATC 2013 ribbon heart

One of the really superb experience with making Artist Trading Cards is that you can find and use the remnants…

42/365: 2013 ATC Fastelavn

42-365 ATC 2013 Fastelavn

Fastelavn is the name for Carnival in Norway and is either the Sunday or Monday before Ash Wednesday. Fastelavn…

41/365:2013 ATC happy Mother's Day

41-365 ATC 2013 happy Mother's Day
Mother's Day is an honorary day for mothers. In Norway we celebrate Mother's Day on the second Sunday…

40/365:2013 ATC fading

40-365 ATC 2013 fading
Reserved for Cecilie

Played with a resist technique, but the pen did not resist the watercolour. The pen…

39/365:2013 ATC Sara

39-365 ATC 2013 Sara

Sara has been used in Norway since the 1500s,…